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27 May 2024
Brussels, Belgium
Germany – The Netherlands European Defence Fund Matchmaking

Monday 27th of May

Tentative programme evening matchmaking:

17:00 – 17:30

Doors open and registration

17:30 – 17:40

Welcome and Opening

17:40 – 17:55

Matchmaking round 1

17:55 – 18:10

Matchmaking round 2

18:10 – 18:25

Matchmaking round 3

18:25 – 18:30

Quick break

18:30 – 18:45

Matchmaking round 4

18:45 – 19:00

Matchmaking round 5

19:00 – 19:05

Closing remarks

19:05 – 20:30

Reception & Walking Dinner

    Closed since 27 May 2024
    Brussels, Belgium
    Organised by
    Germany 29
    Netherlands 20
    Austria 4
    Belgium 3
    Poland 1
    Total 57