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27 May 2024
Brussels, Belgium
Germany – The Netherlands European Defence Fund Matchmaking

Privacy & Security (GDPR)

Registration via this platform is safe.

B2Match has stated to the Dutch government that she understands that their customers are required to use only those data processors that provide sufficient guarantees to implement appropriate technical and organisational measures whereas the process meets the requirements of the European Data Protection laws. 

In order to achieve a higher level of data protection, among other things, B2Match also carefully chooses and evaluates third party service providers and software components that they use to run their system.

● GDPR Compliance

● Production system is operated and hosted in European Union

● Encryption of Data at rest and in transit

● Independent verification of security, privacy and compliance controls

Closed since 27 May 2024
Brussels, Belgium
Organised by
Germany 29
Netherlands 20
Austria 4
Belgium 3
Poland 1
Total 57